Spring/Summer Reminders
Chapter 152.02 in the City Code of Ordinances states:
“Grass growing on lands within the City shall be cut on a periodic basis so that the height of such grass is never greater than eight inches in height. It is the responsibility of the abutting property owners to remove snow, ice, and accumulations promptly from sidewalks. If a property owner fails to cut the grass on said owner’s property as set forth in the notice so that it conforms with this chapter within the time period set forth in the notice, the designated municipal officer will instruct the City Staff or a private contractor to mow the grass so that the property conforms with this chapter. The cost of this action will be assessed against the property. The fee for this service will be set by the City Administrator on a case-by-case basis and will be based on actual costs associated with mowing of the property”
- Please do your part in keeping your neighborhood tidy and free of rodents.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact City Hall at (712) 930-3842.